Making GP in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is a considerable goal for many players, whether you’re an established player or starting a fresh account. Achieving this milestone requires dedication, time, and a plan to grow your wealth gradually. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can build up your GP through various money-making methods, from the very basics to high-end money makers that will help you reach your mark.
The Importance of Patience
Before diving into specific money-making methods, it’s important to understand that earning OSRS gold isn’t an overnight process. While you can certainly aim to make GP with certain methods, it can still take many hours of grinding. If you’re looking for quick returns, be prepared for some setbacks, as high-level money-making methods typically require significant effort in terms of skill levels and equipment. However, the key to success is consistency. Find a method that you enjoy and you will be able to stick with it long enough to reach your goal.
Getting Started: The Early Money-Making Methods
- Blast Furnace
If you’re starting with little to no funds, the Blast Furnace method is an excellent way to get started. With a low initial investment, you can begin producing steel bars with just a 30 Smithing level. It’s recommended to get a coal bag from the Motherlode Mine, which takes about 10-12 hours to unlock. After obtaining your coal bag, you can make steel bars that can sell for over 500k GP an hour. If you’re willing to invest in getting up to a higher Smithing level, Rune bars can earn you over 1 million GP per hour.
- Crafting Gold Jewelry
Crafting is another solid early money-making method. Start by crafting gold jewelry like rings or bracelets. You can begin making gold rings with just 5 Crafting, and completing the Dwarf Cannon quest will instantly boost your Crafting level to 7, unlocking your ability to craft gold jewelry. As you level up, you can craft more valuable jewelry such as Sapphire Rings and then enchant them for additional profit, making it an efficient way to gain both Crafting XP and GP.
- Fletching
Fletching is one of the easiest ways to make money early on in OSRS. By turning logs into bows, you can begin earning some small but steady profits. With just a few levels in Fletching, you can start making Maple, Yew, or Magic longbows. While this method doesn’t necessarily provide high returns per hour, it’s cheap to get started and provides good XP for those looking to level up.
Scaling Up: Mid-Level Money-Makers
Once you’ve accumulated around 10 million GP, you can start to focus on methods that require a little more investment but will yield higher returns.
- Tanning Dragonhides
Tanning Dragonhides (Green, Blue, Red, and Black) is a classic method for making money in OSRS. This method has low requirements, as you only need cash to purchase the hides. While the price of Dragonhides fluctuates, they consistently provide a good return, and with a decent starting cash stack, you can begin earning over 1 million GP an hour.
- Unfinished Potions
For those with a 30 Herblore level, making unfinished potions is another lucrative method. You don’t gain Herblore XP, but you can sell these unfinished potions for a profit. Players training Herblore will often buy unfinished potions because they offer better XP rates. This makes it a win-win situation as you can make some decent profit while others benefit from your potions.
- Rune Bars (Blast Furnace)
As you progress in your Smithing, you’ll reach a point where you can make Rune bars. While you need an 85 Smithing level and a solid cash stack to start buying Rune ores, this method will consistently bring in over 1 million GP per hour. It’s a great option once you’ve built up a sufficient cash stack to fund the ores.
High-Level Methods: Making Big Money
As you approach the 25 million GP mark, it’s time to start focusing on more advanced methods. These methods require more time, skill, and preparation, but they can deliver some serious returns.
- Bossing
Bossing is one of the most rewarding aspects of OSRS money-making. After getting your combat stats up (70+ Attack, Strength, and Defense are recommended), you can start bossing. Start with lower-level bosses like Barrows or the Giant Mole, which offer good rewards without requiring top-tier gear. However, if you’re looking for higher profits, try bosses like the Dagannoth Kings or Vorkath. These bosses drop items worth millions of GP, including valuable rings and weapons.
- Vorago
Vorago is one of the more challenging bosses in OSRS, requiring completion of Dragon Slayer II and a decent level of combat stats. However, it’s one of the best consistent money-makers in the game, providing consistent drops worth several million GP per hour. With a Rune Crossbow and Ruby bolts, or a Dragon Hunter Lance if you prefer melee, Vorago can provide a reliable stream of GP with a little patience.
- Raids and Nex
Raids and Nex are some of the highest-level money-making methods in OSRS. These methods require high combat stats (90+ Ranged and Magic for Nex, and 70+ for Raids), as well as top-tier gear. These activities can yield several million GP in a single hour, though they require coordination and skill. Raids 1 (Chamber of Xeric) and 2 (The Theatre of Blood) offer high-level loot, including valuable uniques, while Nex has a chance to drop powerful gear and high-value items.
Extra Tip: Crystal Keys
If you have a starting cash stack of 5-10 million GP, consider buying Crystal Keys and looting the chest in Taverly. This method offers easy and quick profits, with the bonus of being able to teleport directly to your house for easy access to the chest. With the right setup, you can reset your loot runs quickly and consistently profit.
Final Thoughts
Reaching the 100 million GP mark in OSRS is an achievable goal, but it requires time, patience, and dedication. The key to success is choosing money-making methods that you enjoy and can grind consistently. Whether you prefer skilling, bossing, or low-effort methods, there’s a path to 100 million GP for every type of player. Once you reach that milestone, you’ll have the opportunity to invest in more expensive gear and take on even more challenging content. Best of luck with your grind, and remember to have fun along the way!
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