Having a swimming pool is a wish of many people, especially in the luxury city of Dubai where the climate itself calls for a refreshing dip. Focusing on the swimming pool maintenance is very important and requires dedicated efforts on behalf of the owners. The extreme temperatures and dust of the desert very well affect the quality of the water as well as the swimming pool equipment. Hence, being aware of the tips for maintaining a swimming pool is important for people, and remaining in touch with swimming pool construction companies in Dubai is important to enjoy professionalism. Some of the best tips to be taken into account have been explained as follows:
- Maintaining the optimal temperature of water: Due to the extreme temperature of Dubai, the pools usually overheat and lead to a lot of discomfort for the people in addition to health issues. Hence, using the pool covers during the peak sun hours is very much advisable for the users to ensure that they can reduce the evaporation as well as the temperature. Installation of the pool cooling covers is another very vital aspect to be taken into account by people so that they can contribute towards maintaining the pool temperature especially if it is daily used. The best contractors in Dubai City can very well guide you to choose the best and the most suitable pool cooling system after considering the location and size of the pool.
- Focusing on regular water testing and balancing: The pool water chemistry is very important to be taken into account so that water can be kept safe from bacteria as well as debris. The hot climate of Dubai City leads to many issues and will also trigger evaporation as well and water balance can also get hampered. Having an idea of the pH levels is important and it has to be regularly monitored in such cases. The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.8 to ensure optimal chemical effectiveness as well as the comfort of the swimmer. The choline levels can also significantly drop, which is the main reason that you need to take care of this as well as maintain an acceptable level of algae and bacteria. The total alkalinity should be very well checked out to maintain the level in the range of 80-120 ppm normally and enjoy the optimum temperature. You must get in touch with the professionals of swimming pool construction dubai for regular testing and chemical balancing if you are unsure about the basics.
- Taking filter cleaning seriously: Another critical aspect to be taken into account is the cleaning and maintenance of the filter. Due to the immense amount of dust in Dubai, the filters can get clogged and can create issues with the water circulation. Hence, reducing the load on the pump of the pool is advisable for people and for this counting on the concept of backwashing is important for pool owners. The sand filters need a backwash every few weeks to make sure that stuff has been sorted out. Apart from this, focusing on cartridge cleaning is also very important every month because if the filter works well, you will always have access to crystal-clear water.
- Prevention and management of the algae growth: One of the major aspects to be taken into consideration is to prevent the management and growth of the algae. The warm temperature and sunlight will make the base of the pool very prone to the problem of algae if not paid attention to. Going for shock treatment on the pool is a very good option because this will be very helpful in breaking up the organic impurities that are producing the algae. This should always be done after a sandstorm or after intense usage of the pool. Apart from this, going for brushing and vacuuming the surface is also very important so that there is no infection in the entire pool at any point in time.
- Using the pool covers and windbreaks: One of the critical aspects to be taken into account is to use the pool covers and windbreaks so that evaporation can be minimized and there is no chance of water loss. This will help to save a lot of money on refills and chemical balances. One of the best advancements of technology is to consider usage of the automatic pool covers which is super convenient as well as a reliable barrier against debris. Going for planting, walls, and fencing around the pool is also a good approach as this will act as a windbreak and will protect the pool from dust and sand.
- Going for regular cleaning of skimmers and pump baskets: Going for the best possible skimmers and pump baskets cleaning is also very important so that the healthiness of the pool can be easily ensured. This will help to provide protection in the dusty atmosphere of Dubai city. Going for regular checks daily is important so that clogging can be prevented. In addition to this, establishing a routine of weekly cleaning is also a good approach to maintain the flow of water and prevent excessive wear and tear.
- Proceeding with tile and surface cleaning: Another very critical aspect to be taken into account is tile and surface cleaning because there will be many calcium deposits in highly evaporative conditions. This will lead to issues on the surface of the tiles and will lead to issues of scale formation. Hence, going for acid washing with the help of professionals is also a very good idea so that the original shine of the surface of the pool can be very well maintained.
In addition to the points mentioned above, going for regular inspections and servicing is advisable for the pool owners so that they can enjoy very genuine apartment renovation cost dubai. Further, proper maintenance is the only way to achieve such goals and make sure that your pool is a haven in the hot climate throughout the year.